Monday, April 18, 2011


The city of Venice is said to be stunning! It is a chain of islands that I hope to explore on water taxi because I love the water. I hear the nightlife is not that exciting, but it is great to visit tourist sights at night when they are not crowded. St. Mark's Square is a top priority on my list because just viewing the picture makes the square look amazing with the lit up, rare architecture, unlike anything in America. If I get to the top of the roof at St. Mark's Square apparently I will be able to view the Campanillie, or bell tower, and a the famous St. Mark's Basillica church. I need to take a gondola ride for a tour so I can replicate the movies and take a picture wearing a striped black and white shirt and wear a "capello" or hat in Italian. With some extra time I want to head over to the streets of Burano Island where all the buildings and houses are decorated with vivacious colors. 

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