Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 3 of 42

So we woke up this morning after about three hours of sleep to take a tour to Fiesole. It was a beautiful town above the main city of florence that overlooked the whole thing. We entered into an outdoor theatre they used in ancient roman times and took many photographs of the city from above. Ill post them soon. Then we watched a couple come out of a church after there wedding ceremony and everyone threw rice and set off streamers as the couple danced around, it looked so fun! The drive up to Fiesole reminded me of  the LA canyon something like Laurel Canyon a little bit. I have decided I am going to drop Modern Italian culture and take Real Estate instead. I will be taking Art History with Nero in which we will only be studying in the classroom the first day and the final, so I will really be exploring the city as I learn. The other real estate class we will also be visiting real estate in Florence so I will never be sitting inside a classroom for class! How awesome! After our half day trip we were starving so we used one of our food vouchers ( we recieve 5 Euros a day to use at specific restaurants) at a restaurant called Golden View, sounds chinese but definitley is not. I got a pizza with capers on it (not knowing what capers are) and decided I am not a fan of capers at fishy. We sat on a doorstep stoop and downed a whole pizza each and many italians passed by saying Bonapetite! A man from a leather store was outside and thought we were so amusing eating our huge pizzas so he took kodak pictures of us and tried to teach us new Italian words like good day, but I forget already. I have been saying arivedercci a lot! We laughed and tried on some leather jackets in the mans shop and they shared some secret night life and live music places to visit and told us the secret to staying skinny is to take a shot of limoncello after a big meal to lighten our stomachs. We went back to take a well deserved siesta nap and woke up and decided to excercise. We ventured a different way and found a less crowded more italian non touristy street to walk on and ended up finding a few more economical restaurants and a great view. We decided to cook dinner tonight because dinner is so expensive, but lunch is cheap so we bought chicken from our new butcher friend and fresh cheese. Then ventured to a new water fountain we discovered to fill up my water bottle with drinkable water and got real curious to wander down small streets. Best idea because we found smaller restaurants mom and pops that take our vouchers and a great tomato sauce, broccoli, and olive oil and made a great dinner. Gonna go enjoy the 27 hour blue festival tonight and get cheaper gelato! Ciao!

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