Sunday, May 15, 2011

5/15/2011 Sienna and Futbol game

So on Friday we took a day trip to Sienna which sounds exciting, but it really wasn't. We looked at I guess Sienna's Duomo which I did not know there was more than one, but apparently there is one in each city? I brought our my artsy side and took some cool photographs until the lady inside yelled at me telling me not to take pictures. Then we went to a museum and continued to the capitol building all leading up to a delicious group lunch we enjoyed. I was starving at this point so ofcourse I ate everything in front of me. We started with peach spaghetti pasta which was a little thicker with a red sauce and I had seconds of that. Then we drank red wine and the bottle had an owl on it. Next we had an interesting meat dish that had turkey pork and egg all mixed together in a spiral with salad and the only dressing used there is balsamic and olive oil along with bread and lastly we had a delicious dessert. It was a white creme pie with nuts and it was so good I had seconds of that as well and could barely walk after! We continued on for the second part of our day trip to San Jimato or something where we preceded to look at shops and take pictures in a pretty view. That night we came back and went to a club called twice where two boys heirs to big companies (real rich) bought VIP areas for everyone to hangout in and have free champagne! It was a great night to meet tons of italians and have fun being an important person.
Saturday we checked out the leather market again and found the cutest leather owl key chains. I fount a really cute sachel (side bag) thats leather and bargained down to 16 euro and it says made in italy lightly on the front. We found an awesome artist that makes beautiful paintings and great leather jackets, leather sandals and belts. I'm still considering what I want to buy as gifts and souvenirs so help me out with opinions. The funniest incident was when some somalian men came up to us and asked us to come look at there bags, We know it is illegal to buy them because that are pretty much the exact same as real louis vuittons and other designers purses, but we were just curious to see how real they really are. When he showed us I literally could not believe how real it looked, I think he probably stole it off of a truck or something. I'm so tempted to try and buy one now but i will have to be very sneaky!
Last night we went to a club called space and once again these two boys bought a vip area with snacks and champagne, it was another awesome night meeting italians and too many armenians. This morning we woke up to a rain storm which was unfortunate because the Futbol game was today. It was Florence versus some other region in Italy. After trying to wave down taxis for a while we grabbed one and beat all out friends who had left an hour before us walking in the rain. When we go in and sat down there was no watching the real soccer game all the entertainment came from the opposing team's fans. They were so crazy that the stadium had to enclose there fans in a box with spikes on the top. I was pretty worried for my safety after we heard about 3 bombs go off in the stadium. I have never seen such violent fans for such an unimportant game. They throw stuff, have smoke blowers, and literally the sounds of bombs. These people were vulgar, loud, crazy, but wow was it an experience and I am glad they were inclosed in a box so we could just watch. I don't think an American sports game will ever be interesting again after that experience.
As for now i'm cuddled up in my bed ready for a Grey's Anatomy marathon waiting for the sun to come out. Ciao!

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