Wednesday, June 8, 2011

RATTTTT and dinner with professor woodyard

So tonight after real estate class my Professor took us all to dinner at Pizzaulio! I got a vegetarian pizza and it was so delicious. He is a big business man and has a circle of friends that work together and are all very wealthy. They told me how they know people all over the world and in all walks of business and careers and could hook it up. There were two guys in there thirties John and Adam who spoke to our class and came to dinner with us. John talked to me a lot of the dinner about his circle and how they have eachothers backs and how they party and run the world blah blah. He can talk forever and real fast. I dont find it that entertaining when they boast a lot. Anyways after they treated all of us to gelato and then to beers. My Professor Woodyard will be a great contact in Tallahassee my remaining three years. He can get me an internship pretty much anywhere and has a ton of great connections. I will be visiting him again. Anyways so I come home from my long day and walk up to my room and we have a RATTTTT! theres rat poop by my stuff and now i am just sitting on my bed praying that the rat will leave or else were spending the night in a hotel. UGHHHH I am so sick of the rain!